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Chapter 5: Childbirth

The moment of childbirth is somewhat erratic; ten days before the child is expected and every day thereafter, the DM should roll a d20. On a result of 20, the mother will give birth to the child at some point that day. What point is determined by dramatic necessity, convenience or randomisation as desired by the DM.

When childbirth begins, the mother loses one hit point every minute, to a minimum of 0hp, when she is staggered. Childbirth continues for 2d12 hours, after which she must make a Fortitude save against a DC determined by Table X-XX: Childbirth DCs.

Table X-XX: Childbirth DCs
Ideal environment (eg sanitarium): DC 4
Comfortable, clean environment (eg home): DC 6
Uncomfortable, dirty environment (eg field): DC 8
Awful environment (eg swamp): DC 10

Layman’s assistance (Heal check DC 5): -1 DC
Physician’s assistance (Heal check DC 10): -2 DC
Midwife’s assistance (Prof: Midwife check DC 10): -3 DC

On a success, the child was born successfully and the mother can begin to regain hit points normally. On a failure, complications have arisen: the mother must make two Fortitude saves (DC 15) to prevent disaster: if the first fails, the mother drops to –1 hit points and is dying. If the second fails, the child is stillborn. Miscarriages use the above mechanics, but unless there is less than a month before childbirth is expected, the child will always be stillborn.

Upon birth, you may determine the child’s gender, abilities and other features. Children typically have an equal chance of being either male or female (roll a d%: 01-50 male, 51-00 female). However, in your campaign setting certain races may have increased chances of giving birth to sons or daughters; satyrs and dryads, for example, always produce male and female offspring respectively.

To determine the child’s potential in future life, take the averages for the ability scores of its parents (where necessary, roll a d%: 01-50 round down, 51-100 round up) and modify each according to the roll on Table X-XX: Variation, below. Results cannot exceed 18 + racial modifier or drop below 3 + racial modifier. These will be the ability scores of the child when it reaches adulthood. Until then, modify them according to Table X-XX: Age Modifiers (minimum score 1).

Table X-XX: Variation

Attribute Modifier

Table X-XX: Age Modifiers

Universal Attribute Modifier
Up to one year
Up to half adulthood age
Up to adulthood age

The child is considered a level 1 commoner for the duration of its youth. Its upbringing and education will be crucial in determining its personality, likes and dislikes. When it reaches adulthood, the child may choose an NPC or (if they received the proper training) PC class.